The Bee Waggle Game is a interactive outdoor experience that is designed to offer a great experience for children out in a sunflower field, or a corn maze. It educates children on the importance of bees and how they communicate.
How to Play
Did you know that bees dane to communicate? Bees dance or "waggle" to tell the other bees where the best flowers are. We need you to help us find the best flowers in the field. Each of the bees will leave a special mark on a medallion for you to find. Search the field, find the mark and place the rubbing paper over the medallion. Use the crayon to make a rubbing. Once you have collected the 6 markings, come to the banner to identify the dance moves. Learn the dance, then show us the moves at the hive to get a prize and help us find the best flowers!
Game Set includes:
1 - 4'x8' Game Instruction Banner
1 - 4'x4' Advertising Banner
18 - (2 sets of 9) double-sided medallions
8 - Rubbing Marker tethered casings
32 - Rubbing Markers
5,000 - Tear-off rubbing sheets
2 - Acrylic holders for tear-off sheets
2,000 - Reward stickers
6- Stabilization Collar and Bolt
Advertising & web graphics (sent by e-mail)